Monday, April 23, 2012

Springgingerle Prize giving and Roy Highlight Edit!

Hey Folks
here is the last and final report of the 2012 SpringGingerle:
 Alo and myself after the sunrise session!
 bio9 blunt during the night finals of the Springgingerle competition!
 Prize ceremony!
 Mr. Eder giving out some love ;)
having a great time with them boys
 Kai Mahler best creative rider, Roy Kittler most dedicated rider, Lukas Schäfer Overal winner, Matthias Fabbro best crash!
and last but not least I got all the shots from Markus during the 9Knights and put out a Highlight Video of myself during the SpringGingerle make sure to check out I think there are some great shoots in there!

Again thx so much for the great times Fabbro and Markus and I hope we have a great session again next year ;)

cheers Roy

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